Font Styles

Author: Staff Writer:
Writing your resume requires major choices and decisions on what to include, what format to use, and how to present the information. Luckily, Easy Resume Templates is able to point you in the right direction regarding these decisions.
Style Matters. However, there are also the smaller, but important decisions including what font style and size you should use to write your resume. It may seem like a simple decision until you spend 30 minutes agonizing over using Ariel or Calibri. However, the choice is really simple and straightforward. It does not have to be so complicated. Who knew fonts were so important?
Font Size
Size Matters. Just as important as selecting your font style, is deciding the font size as well. Too big a font and you may end up with a 2 or 3-page resume (and that may not be necessary), or use a too small font, and Recruiters and hiring managers will be squinting to read or worse yet, your resume will end up in the NO pile.
Your selected font size should allow you to present your resume information in a readable and aesthetically pleasing format. You want a font that is readable and not distracting. The last thing you want is for the hiring manager or Recruiter reading your resume to be distracted by your font, or worse yet, they’re not even interested in reading the resume due to the font. The aesthetics of the resume are just as important as the content of the resume.
How Many Fonts to Use
When writing your resume, it is suggested to use no more than two fonts. Using multiple fonts makes your resume seem messy and will distract the reader. So how do you decide on which font to pick? It’s really a personal preference, and the message you’re trying to send with your resume. You can stick with the traditional, easy-to-read fonts, or if for example you work in tech, and you want your resume to look more modern, you can select sans serif font like Arial or Calibri. Arial is the most commonly used font, Times New Roman, although a bit dated, is used frequently as well.
What Are the Best Resume Font Styles?
- Arial
- Cambria
- Calibri
- Garamond
- Georgia
- Helvetica
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Tahoma
Which Fonts to Stay Away From
Now that you know which fonts are most classic or popular, you should also know which fonts to avoid.
- Narrow, or light versions of fonts: These fonts are hard to read as they’re hard on the eyes (think eye strain), so it’s best to avoid these.
- Heavily stylized fonts: Modern cursive-they may look pretty, but if the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) can’t read it, then what’s the point?
- Gimmick fonts: Stay away from fonts like Papyrus, Comic Sans, and Wingdings. These are not considered professional fonts and should not be used to write your resume.
- Non-standard fonts: Fonts you may have downloaded that aren’t standard to most operating systems-stay away from those as well, as they will not be picked up by Applicant Track Systems (ATS) correctly.
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Our resumes are designed to make the resume writing process easy. With our wide selection of resume templates for just about anyone in any industry, at any career level, you will find a resume that makes sense for you.
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