Your Resume Keeps Getting Rejected-Why?


Author: Staff Writer:

There’s no worst feeling than sending your resume to multiple job postings only to get little to no response. It can leave even the most motivated job seeker dejected and at a loss. We’ll provide some insight into reasons why your resume may get rejected so that you can be more prepared to increase
your call back rate, and even get hired!

#1 Resume Is NOT Tailored to the Job

  • Always tailor your resume. It is NEVER a one size fits all.
  • All job postings even with the same title are not the same obviously, therefore your resume should be tailored to align with the job description. Using the same resume to apply for multiple positions can result in your resume never making it through the ATS and onto the Recruiter or hiring manager.

#2 Resume Contains Typos and Grammatical Errors

  • Recruiters will be completely turned off by a resume that’s filled with typos and grammatical errors.
  • ALWAYS review and proofread your resume. You can use editing tools such as Spellcheck and Grammarly. Read your resume line-by-line to ensure its error free. Review it a few times until you’re sure it contains no errors.

#3 Resume is NOT Results Oriented

  • Instead of just listing your experiences, show measurable results or accomplishments. Show off a bit!
  • Did you save your company money-how much?? Implement a new Process? What was the impact? Not EVERY job will have Results-Oriented Achievements.

#4 Your Resume Lacks Relevant Keywords

  • Your resume must FIRST get past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which scans your resume for specific keywords.
  • Optimize your resume by including keywords from the job description.

#5 You Are NOT Qualified for the Role

  • Perhaps you simply don’t have the relevant experience or technical skills needed for the role.
  • Read the job description thoroughly to ensure alignment with the listed requirements.

#6 NOT Organized-Poor Visual Layout

  • Using a resume template can help keep your resume organized and visually appealing.
  • Use clear and concise bullets to outline your experiences and measurable accomplishments.
  • Keep it short and simple. Remember recruiters can scan your resume in approximately 6 seconds!

Create Your Resume the EASY Way with a Template from


Easy Resume Templates is committed to helping job seekers receive as much assistance as possible as they navigate the job search process.  With our Team of Certified Resume Writers, Recruiters, and other HR professionals, we aim to provide expert knowledge, tips, and tools to help job seekers optimize their resumes and cover letters to not only get the interview, but land that job. Our team has significant years of experience within their specific fields and share their wisdom and knowledge to make the resume writing process easy and seamless. Let us help you land that job.
Our resumes are designed to make the resume writing process easy. With our wide selection of resume templates for just about anyone in any industry, at any career level, you will find a resume that makes sense for you.
When you use one of our templates, you are confident that you’re using a template that was created by experts to perform well with any ATS system. The templates are customizable and easy to use, and will allow you to create your resume in no time. You’ll be one step closer to getting your dream job.

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